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Young Guns

Aka:Jovenes Pistoleros
A vadnyugat fiai
Arma joven
Genre:Action / Comedy / Crime / Thriller / Western
Director:Christopher Cain
Starring:Emilio Estevez,  Patrick Wayne,  Thomas Callaway,  Brian KeithAlice Carter,  Geoffrey Blake,  Sharon Thomas,  Terry O'QuinnJack Palance,  Terence Stamp,  Casey Siemaszko,  Dermot Mulroney,  Charlie Sheen,  Lou Diamond Phillips,  Kiefer Sutherland
Run time:107 min.
(7.4/10 from 12 users)
Storyline:1878 in New Mexico: John Tunstall picks up young gun men from the road to have them work on his ranch, but also to teach them reading and to civilize them. However he's a thorn in the side of the rich rancher Murphy, as he's a competitor in selling cattle. One day he's shot by Murphy's men. Judge Wilson can't do anything, since Sheriff Brady is one of Murphy's men. But attorney Alex persuades him to constitute Tunstall's young friends to Deputies and give them warrants of arrest for the murderers. Instead of arresting them, William Bonney just shoots them down. Soon the 5 guys become famous a... Read more 

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