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Blue Streak

Aka:Der Diamanten-Cop
De ladrón a policía
Állj, vagy jövök!
Genre:Action / Comedy / Crime / Thriller
Director:Les Mayfield
Starring:Martin Lawrence,  John Hawkes,  Carmen Argenziano ,  Steve Rankin,  Julio Oscar Mechoso,  Tamala Jones ,  Richard C. Sarafian,  Saverio Guerra,  Olek Krupa,  Robert MirandaGraham Beckel,  Nicole Ari Parker,  Dave Chappelle,  Peter Greene,  Luke Wilson
Run time:93 min.
(6.8/10 from 7 users)
Storyline:Miles Logan is a jewel thief. Things go awry while he's stealing a huge diamond in downtown L.A.: a thief, Deacon, tries a double-cross, the police arrive, and Miles is arrested, but not before he hides the jewel in an air duct of a building under construction. Two years' later, he's out of prison and he heads for the site: it's L.A.'s new police headquarters! Posing as a reassigned cop, Miles gets into the building, but before he can recover the swag, he's partnered with a naive detective and sent out to investigate burglaries. With Deacon on his trail, he must recover the diamond, keep the ... Read more 

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