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Soul Surfer

Genre:Action / Drama / Sport
Director:Sean McNamara
Starring:AnnaSophia Robb,  Chris Brochu,  Sonya Balmores,  Cody Gomes,  Kevin Sorbo,  Lorraine Nicholson,  Ross ThomasCarrie Underwood,  Helen Hunt,  Dennis Quaid
Run time:106 min.
(8.6/10 from 5 users)
Storyline:This is the inspirational true story of 13 year old Bethany Hamilton, a competitive surfer with a courageous spirit and big dreams for the future. Her dreams are dashed when a shark attack leaves her without her left arm. She must summon the courage to go back in the water and live her life without fear. Turning to their strong Christian faith, Bethany and her family struggle to turn tragedy into triumph as they overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Bethany is surrounded by positive role models and a strong sense of faith that helps her find the answers she is looking for. Filmed in ... Read more 

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