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Star Wars The Force Awakens

Genre:Action / Adventure / Fantasy
Starring:Harrison Ford,  Domhnall Gleeson,  Andy Serkis,  Lupita Nyong'o,  Oscar Isaac,  John Boyega,  Daisy Ridley,  Adam Driver,  Carrie Fisher,  Mark Hamill
Run time:135 min.
(5.9/10 from 67 users)
Storyline:Three decades after the defeat of the Galactic Empire, a new threat arises. The First Order attempts to rule the galaxy and only a rag-tag group of heroes can stop them, along with the help of the Resistance.

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User comments (33)

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no rating yet
(6 months ago)
After watching this again, I noticed something. Check this out. In, Star Wars The Force Awakens, C3PO does not have a red arm in the scene located at 121:52 into the film. There he stands with Leia & BB8 all gold. Even both his arms are gold. Now what's up with that??

Click on the link & see for yourselves

1 of 2 people found this useful
(7 months ago)
@Radrick40: Considering it isn't "Vador" or even "Vader" from the first lot of movies, and is in fact 30 years after the death of Vader, it ties in perfectly. Maybe pay more attention instead of day dreaming of the past?

1 of 4 people found this useful
(8 months ago)
It. Was like watching the first star wars but with different actors. I do how ever like that they brought in all the greats from the first star wars ....but WTF is up with vador being solo's son where and how does that tie in?????? We may never know.......

no rating yet
(8 months ago)
not as bad as i thought it would be could have been sooo much better but worth a watch i would say 6/10 

no rating yet
(8 months ago)
I grew up with Star Wars. I love Star Wars, but this one of them all, seems bland. Action scenes, leaves a lot to be desired. They should've lead out with a familiar character other then Stormtroopers. Anyhoo, I enjoyed it & can't wait to see what's up their sleeve for Episode VIII.

no rating yet
(9 months ago)
MovieStar Wars The Force Awakens) QualityDVDScr) Userciprian24)

Is the wrong Movie in this link Its: (The Danish Girl)

Should remove this link.

no rating yet
(9 months ago)
First link plays The Danish Girl as well.

2 of 2 people found this useful
(9 months ago)
It's playing The Danish Girl for me. Second and third link from the top.

2 of 3 people found this useful
(10 months ago)
Many commenters are making a lot of the repetition of some elements of the first Star Wars (IV-VI) cinematic offering in that it seems there is a distinct lacking of creative flair, but for me the repetition (or the familiarity) is an enactment of "the sins of the father shall be visited upon the son" thing. Science has shown that trauma can be handed down through generations. What one generation does not resolve, it is the next generation's with which to grapple. I think we're going to find out in the next installment that Luke had a daughter. Speculation of course.

no rating yet
(10 months ago)
As a few others mentioned, the story is more of a remake of the original than a sequel. It's still fun to watch, but not worth all the hype. Hopefully they come up with a better and more original story for the next one. 3/5

1 of 3 people found this useful
(10 months ago)
yea there was death star but this death star was a planet type of death star the one you can live on the surface and this death star can shoot cross the galaxy to hit more then one planet plus it don't move but it kind of sad that Han Solo had to go out like that other then that it was best one yet.

1 of 2 people found this useful
(10 months ago)
Humm.... Seems like the same story retold. Hope they get a little more original in the next episode. Rehashes are weak and tired.

2 of 3 people found this useful
(10 months ago)
Excellent, I felt like I met old friends again and yes there's another death star, so what. Good film and worth a watch. 5/5

2 of 5 people found this useful
(10 months ago)
No wonder Star Trek movies are better. The story is repetitious, like I'm watching a remake. Then another death star from previous films, and guess what? Same old plot.

top expert
2 of 2 people found this useful
(10 months ago)
Mixed reviews are to be expected with a blockbuster like this. It has it's pros and cons, along with a decent balance of elements between old and new.

1 of 5 people found this useful
(10 months ago)
I thought the story was weak. There was a story but no drama. The "bad guy" was just some temper tantrum throwing French lookin guy. It was ok to watch but it's nothing special. I was disappointed. Makes me feel like Star Wars was cheapened.

2 of 2 people found this useful
(10 months ago)
For those willing to dare a cam copy, the very most recent offering as of 12 hours ago ( is quite a decent copy through half of the film. However, two-thirds into it and the playback goes into cubism every few 30 seconds or so. The audio is okay even if it's just a step behind. I guess the batteries in the video recorder weren't up to the challenge? French subtitles in one particular place, but this film has very few translations anyway. Two people alert two separate concerned parties of the whereabouts of a certain droid--end of subtitles. I love J. J. Abrams' work. I haven't been disappointed yet and I remember seeing the original in the movie theaters as a kid. Lots of excellent actors brand new, budding, established, and old school (Max von Snydow for example). 5/5

0 of 1 people found this useful
(10 months ago)
this is my first star wars movie, i thought the others sounded too silly, and considering i had no idea what was going on half of the time, it was pretty good.

top expert
no rating yet
(10 months ago)
addendum: The Saga is not ended. "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

top expert
1 of 1 people found this useful
(10 months ago)
Themes and plot twists which began in the first triplet (IV, V, VI), and which attempted to be given a background inthe second (I, II, III), become, at SOME times, seemingly repetitive, but eventually more explanatory (A civilization which forgets History has no future.). Solo's almost comedic nature has NOT been lost, and in essence, has come to a delightful fruition.

1 of 3 people found this useful
(10 months ago)
English links added. Enjoy.

no rating yet
(10 months ago)
Can't find an English version, Dr Evil. Can you cut and paste a link for us all? Thanks!

no rating yet
(10 months ago)
They ARE English versions. They just start with Spanish on the scrolling words at the start.

1 of 2 people found this useful
(10 months ago)
any links in English? or any idea how to get it to translate?

top expert
2 of 5 people found this useful
(10 months ago)
Spanish seriously? Why upload this tripe?

1 of 2 people found this useful
(10 months ago)
A lot of site users are just damn grateful to have the opportunities Two Movies provides.

1 of 2 people found this useful
(10 months ago)
A lot of site's users understand Spanish.

1 of 1 people found this useful
(10 months ago)
used flash x worked for me and ty to the person that poseted it.

no rating yet
(10 months ago)
Ahhhh cropped too much. Can't see their faces.

no rating yet
(10 months ago)

no rating yet
(10 months ago)

no rating yet
(10 months ago)
vidbull works also its in English

2 of 2 people found this useful
The guy
(10 months ago)
It's in spanish.

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