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Freddy vs. Jason

Genre:Action / Horror / Thriller
Director:Ronny Yu
Starring:Robert Englund ,  Zack Ward,  Jesse Hutch,  Paula Shaw,  David Kopp,  Tom Butler,  Kyle Labine,  Lochlyn Munro,  Katharine Isabelle,  Brendan Fletcher,  Chris Marquette,  Kelly RowlandJason Ritter,  Monica Keena,  Ken Kirzinger
Run time:97 min.
(7.2/10 from 12 users)
Storyline:Freddy Krueger has been forgotten by the kids on Elm Street. Their parents have feed them anti-dreaming pills, making Freddy a thing in the past. So Freddy resurrects Jason Voorhees and sends him to Elm Street to create havoc, making people think Kreuger did it. When Jason steals some kills from Freddy, the latter begins to fight the infamous hockey mask-wearing killer. Meanwhile, the group of teenagers stuck in the middle try to figure out how to get rid of Freddy. This all leads to a climatic battle at Camp Crystal Lake, which should leave all satisfied.

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(2 weeks ago)
Good movie 

1 of 1 people found this useful
(1 year ago)
this is by far my fave horror/comedy movie

top expert
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(2 years ago)
love this 10/10 brings my 2 fav horror chars together in one awesome movie

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(3 years ago)
It's a fairly good movie. The plot is interesting, the writing is ok and the acting was alright.

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(3 years ago)
This is like my most favorite scary movie! I mean Freddy and Jason are so amazingly weird. 10/10

no rating yet
(3 years ago)
It was a good movie however, [SPOILER]

no rating yet
(3 years ago)
loved it!

8 of 8 people found this useful
(5 years ago)
I love Freddy and Jason, but I wish Michael Myers was in there somewhere. Yeah with Freddy you can't sleep b/c then you are in his world, you can cut off his head, but he'll just grow it back. His weakness is fire and you can bring him out of your dream. With Jason, no matter how many times you kill him, he keeps coming back, his weakness is water and his mother. With Michael, he has been shot, stabbed, burned, ran over, hung, and everything in between, his weakness? Nothing! Freddy is a dream, Jason is like a ghost type thing, Michael? He's human with some devilMichael Myers ROCKS!

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(3 years ago)

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(3 years ago)
Soooooooo true!

top expert
1 of 1 people found this useful
(5 years ago)
I liked it. 3.5/5

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0 of 2 people found this useful
(5 years ago)
this was good, lot of gore, jokes and nudity/sex, classic 5/5

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3 of 3 people found this useful
(5 years ago)
i love this movie and always will 10/10 must watch

cant wait till the sequal freddy vs jason vs ash

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(5 years ago)

I haven't seen any of the other movies from either series, but it was still a good movie to watch. Good suspense, and moved fast enough to be interesting without skipping over the important stuff!


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1 of 1 people found this useful
(5 years ago)
Cool Movie!

top expert
0 of 1 people found this useful
(5 years ago)
I ever watched in my life!! Awesome? No, no, no. Storyline? Where? Creepy? PLEASE! Ok, so I'm almost the only one here who didn't like it, whatever. I love slashers, but this is not a slasher. It's boring and stupid. I've seen some aweful movies in my life, but this is the worst horror ever.

top expert
1 of 1 people found this useful
(5 years ago)
freddy and jay was cool but i wanna see the real deal bring on jason vs mike myers!!

no rating yet
(5 years ago)
another thing , i always felt they should have a michael myers, jason n freddy movie. shucks freddy is the only one that talks.but freddy is the worse because that dude gets u in ur sleep and we all have to sleep, no running away from freddy

no rating yet
(5 years ago)
freddy is funny, and although i like freddy movies better, i like jason because he wasnt a child killer, he left the kids alone. SO IM TEAM JASON

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(5 years ago)

4 of 4 people found this useful
(5 years ago)
Chucky Vs Leprachan Anybody???? :3 7/10

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(3 years ago)
They were going to do a Chucky vs Leprechaun but they scraped that idea. 

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(5 years ago)
i need a part 2 goddamn it. been waiting for it for quite a while. 2 1/2 of 4 stars good.

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0 of 2 people found this useful
(5 years ago)
Jason! Hands Down!~

top expert
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(6 years ago)
The stagevu is not the correct movie, at least not in english. The two part stagevu is okay.

This movie is a classic and should be viewed by all freddy and/or jason fans.

no rating yet
(6 years ago)
Plenty of blood, some amusing fight scenes, and tolerable humor.

top expert
1 of 1 people found this useful
(6 years ago)
Very fun film. Acceptable storyline, plenty of gore, creative deaths and some amusing moments along the way. Freddy/Jason enthusiasts will not be disappointed. I have it on dvd and it sits nicely alongside my "Nightmare on Elm Street" box set and "Friday the 13th" films.

Freddy is even funnier than usual in this one. Great watch..I never get bored of it..5/5 stars.

top expert
no rating yet
(6 years ago)
Stagevu was the correct movie. It was nice to see some of the beginning motivation. Robert Englund is fantastic as usual. This Jason is one of the best! Now is on both of my horror and teen slasher playlists.

top expert
no rating yet
(6 years ago)
both of these movies were from my generation and i loved them both. jason was my first slasher so i guess i was cheering on that side a little more. this was really good. way better than i thought it would be.

i did see a comment about making a new elm street. i hope not. there is no freddy without robert englund.

top expert
2 of 2 people found this useful
(6 years ago)
it was alrite, the pinball part was hilarious

top expert
1 of 1 people found this useful
(6 years ago)
SiCc movie lots of blood an gore wit sum jokez.. freddyZ like a lil monkey wit claws when they fight close to the end lol..anyway 5/5

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