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Waist Deep

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Genre:Action / Crime / Drama / Thriller
Director:Vondie Curtis-Hall
Starring:Tyrese Gibson,  Kimora Lee,  The Game,  William Duffy,  Larenz Tate,  Darris Love,  Meagan Good,  Johnny Pruitt,  Henry Hunter Hall,  Shawn Parr
Run time:97 min.
(9.2/10 from 4 users)
Storyline:In the urban action thriller Waist Deep, director Vondie Curtis Hall (Redemption) takes audiences on a ride through contemporary Los Angeles - where a sexy 21st-century Bonnie and Clyde hit the streets. "I'll always come back for you," single father O2 (Tyrese Gibson of Four Brothers) tells his young son Junior (screen newcomer H. Hunter Hall). This parental promise is put to the test when O2 is suddenly plunged into a do-or-die situation; trying to go straight for Junior's sake, this recently paroled ex-con is forced to go back outside the law after his son is kidnapped in a carjacking. The... Read more 

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