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Enter the Dragon

Aka:Long zheng hu dou
Operación dragón
Opération dragon
Genre:Action / Crime / Drama / Thriller
Director:Robert Clouse
Starring:Bruce Lee,  William Keller,  Allan Kent,  Marlene Clark,  Li Jen Ho,  Peter Archer,  Geoffrey Weeks,  Betty Chung,  Bolo YeungRobert Wall,  Jim Kelly,  Angela Mao,  Ahna Capri,  Kien ShihJohn Saxon
Run time:99 min.
(8.1/10 from 21 users)
Storyline:Hong Kong circa 1973. Lee, a member of a Shaolin Temple, is a master of the physical and spiritual disciplines of the martial arts, and is being visited by Braithwaite, a British law officer. Lee has been invited to a tri-annual martial arts tournament held on an island owned by Han, a reclusive billionaire who was once a member of the Temple but has now become a renegade. Braithwaite believes Han uses his tournaments as cover for narcotic and prostitution activities. Lee reluctantly agrees to enter the tournament, but his reluctance to confront Han disappears when a Shaolin monk reveals that... Read more 

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