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Genre:Action / Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Thriller
Director:Kurt Wimmer
Starring:Milla Jovovich,  Jennifer Caputo,  Clay Cullen,  Mike SmithRicardo Mamood-Vega,  Steven Calcote,  Ryan Martin,  Digger Mesch,  Kieran O'Rorke,  David Collier,  William Fichtner,  Ida Martin,  Sebastien Andrieu,  Nick Chinlund,  Cameron Bright
Run time:87 min.
(7.1/10 from 15 users)
Storyline:Set in the late 21st century, a subculture of humans have emerged who have been modified genetically by a vampire-like disease (hemophagia), giving them enhanced speed, incredible stamina and acute intelligence. As they are set apart from "normal, healthy" humans, the world is pushed to the brink of worldwide civil war (a war between humans and hemophages) aimed at the destruction of the diseased population. In the middle of this crossfire is an infected woman, Ultraviolet, who finds herself protecting a nine-year-old boy who has been marked for death by the human government as he is believed...Read more 

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