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Bullet - Auge um Auge
Bullet, Droga e Morte
Genre:Action / Crime / Drama
Director:Julien Temple
Starring:Mickey Rourke,  Tupac Shakur,  Jerry Dean,  Matthew PowersTed Levine,  Suzanne Shepherd,  Jerry Grayson,  Heather Laszlo,  Shirley Scott,  Manny Perez,  Joe Dain,  Fatmir HaskajJohn Enos III,  Adrien Brody,  Frank Senger
Run time:100 min.
(7.4/10 from 11 users)
Storyline:Butch "Bullet" Stein is a Jewish junkie from the mean streets of Brooklyn, is paroled after eight years in prison. Butch rips off a runner for local drug dealer, Tank, and is soon right back into his old habits of snorting coke and shooting up heroin with his best friend Lester. Enraged by Butch's affront and already determined to get revenge on him for a past wrong, Tank sets about getting even with his old enemy by hiring a hulking brute, Gates to beat Butch. When the confrontation occurs, however, Gates breaks his hand on the battle-hardened Butch. Besides Lester, the only people in Butch'... Read more 

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