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Safe House

Genre:Action / Crime / Mystery / Thriller
Director:Daniel Espinosa
Starring:Denzel Washington,  Joel Kinnaman,  Liam CunninghamRobert Patrick,  Nora Arnezeder,  Rubén Blades,  Sam ShepardBrendan Gleeson,  Vera Farmiga,  Ryan Reynolds
Run time:115 min.
(8.8/10 from 15 users)
Storyline:For the past year, Matt Weston has been frustrated by his inactive, backwater post in Cape Town. A “housekeeper” who aspires to be a full-fledged agent, the loyal company man has been waiting for an opportunity to prove himself. When the first and only occupant he’s had proves to be the most dangerous man he’s ever met, Weston readies for duty. Tobin Frost has eluded capture for almost a decade. One of the best ops men that the CIA’s known, the ex-intelligence officer has given up assets and sold military intel to anyone with cash since he turned. ... Read more 

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