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Rush Hour 2

Genre:Action / Comedy / Crime / Thriller
Director:Brett Ratner
Starring:Jackie Chan,  Cindy Lu,  Lucy Lin,  Gelbert Coloma,  Patricia Chan,  Maggie Q,  Mei Melançon,  Lisa LoCicero,  Kenneth Tsang,  Alan King,  Harris Yulin ,  Roselyn Sanchez,  Ziyi ZhangJohn Lone,  Chris Tucker
Run time:90 min.
(8.1/10 from 17 users)
Storyline:Crime fighting has never been so hazardous--or funny. Chopsocky action star Jackie Chan reteams with motormouth Chris Tucker in this RUSH HOUR sequel as the mismatched cop duo investigate several bombings in Hong Kong attributed to Chinese gang leader Ricky Tan (John Lone) and an assassin (Zhang Ziyi), whose beautiful, balletic kick packs a head-ringing wallop. A fish out of water in exotic Hong Kong, Tucker talks his way into reams of trouble, saved time and again by Chan's frantic fighting. Though the two detectives are taken off the bombing case, unpaid debts between Chan and the criminals ...Read more 

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