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Kill Bill: Vol. 2

Genre:Action / Thriller
Director:Quentin Tarantino
Starring:Uma Thurman,  Samuel L. Jackson,  Christopher Allen NelsonCaitlin Keats,  Shana Stein,  Stephanie L. Moore,  Jeannie Epper,  Bo Svenson ,  Michael Parks,  Daryl Hannah,  Michael Madsen,  Chia Hui Liu,  Vivica A. Fox,  Lucy Liu,  David Carradine
Run time:137 min.
(8.7/10 from 6 users)
Storyline:It all began when the nefarious Deadly Viper Assassination Squad moved in and assassinated the Plympton wedding party at the Two Pines Wedding Chapel in El Paso, TX. Well, all but one: The Bride, their real target. All they managed to do to her was put her in a coma. And four years later, she woke up and swore revenge on the lot of them. It began with the disposing of O-Ren Ishii/"Cottonmouth" and Vernita Green/"Copperhead". Now, the "Black Mamba" has only three left on her Death List: Budd/"Sidewinder", Bill's brother; Elle Driver/"California Mountain Snake", the deadly one-eyed assassin; an... Read more 

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