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Genre:Action / Adventure / Fantasy
Director:Guillermo del Toro
Starring:Ron Perlman ,  Stephen Fisher,  James Babson,  Brian CaspeKevin Trainor,  Corey Johnson,  Biddy Hodson,  Ladislav BeranBrian Steele,  Doug Jones,  Jeffrey Tambor,  Karel RodenRupert Evans,  Selma Blair,  John Hurt
Run time:132 min.
(8/10 from 13 users)
Storyline:Based on the comic book series by Mike Mignola, Guillermo del Toro's gleefully eccentric film follows the supernatural adventures of Hellboy (Ron Perlman), a cigar-chomping, horn-filing demonic hero enlisted by an occult scholar (John Hurt) to fight evil in the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense. Along with the fire-throwing Liz Sherman (Selma Blair) and the amphibious psychic Abe Sapien (Doug Jones, with the voice of David Hyde Pierce), Hellboy is joined by new recruit John Myers (Rupert Evans), a squeaky-clean FBI agent assigned to keep the big red devil's exploits in check. Things ge... Read more 

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