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Inglourious Basterds

Genre:Action / Drama / War
Director:Quentin Tarantino
Starring:Brad Pitt,  Sylvester Groth,  Denis Menochet,  August DiehlOmar Doom,  B.J. Novak,  Jacky Ido,  Gedeon Burkhard,  Til Schweiger,  Daniel Brühl,  Diane Kruger,  Michael FassbenderEli Roth ,  Christoph Waltz,  Mélanie Laurent
(6.9/10 from 16 users)
Storyline:It’s World War II, the Ardennes mountains. During a bombing, five no-good soldiers headed to military prison for a variety of transgressions ranging from murder to desertion get a chance to escape when their convoy is attacked. They decide to make for Switzerland and freedom, now as fugitives on the run from both the Americans and the Germans, their only hope of escape in the barrel of a gun. After mistakenly killing a group of American agents disguised as a German patrol, the party is caught by the French resistance, who give them a last chance at redemption by forcing them to carry ou... Read more 

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