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007 Tomorrow Never Dies

Genre:Action / Adventure / Thriller
Director:Roger Spottiswoode
Starring:Pierce Brosnan,  Terence Rigby,  Julian Fellowes,  Geoffrey Palmer,  Colin Salmon,  Samantha Bond,  Desmond LlewelynJudi Dench ,  Vincent Schiavelli,  Joe Don Baker,  Götz OttoRicky Jay,  Teri Hatcher,  Michelle Yeoh,  Jonathan Pryce
Run time:119 min.
(8.6/10 from 18 users)
Storyline:The British super spy goes after a ruthless media baron (an amalgam of Ted Turner, Rupert Murdoch, and Bill Gates, played with feisty aplomb by Pryce) whose diabolical plans include instigating World War III so that his empire can obtain an exclusive (a la CNN during the Gulf War). This time, 007 discovers sorrow in a love lost and a worthwhile partner in a female Chinese counterpart (Hong Kong action diva Yeoh). Noteworthy for its unabashed commercial product placement, Sheryl Crow's title song was nominated for a Golden Globe (Best Original Song - Motion Picture).

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