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The Towering Inferno online

Genre:Drama / Thriller / Action
Director:John Guillermin
Starring:Jennifer Jones,  Susan Blakely,  Robert Vaughn,  O.J. SimpsonFaye Dunaway,  Steve McQueen,  Richard Chamberlain,  Paul Newman,  William Holden,  Fred Astaire
Run time:165 min.
(9.5/10 from 3 users)
Storyline:Duncan Enterprises, an architectural and construction empire, is readying the dedication of The Glass Tower, the world's tallest skyscrapper, located in San Francisco. Amid the activities of James Duncan and his chief architect Douglas Roberts, a circuit breaker blows in the building's main utility room - and unknown to all the surge blows another breaker that lights materials in a storage closet on fire. The electrical snafu forces Roberts to cut short a planned vacation with his fiance Susan Franklin and to confront Roger Simmons, the firm's chief electrical specialist who oversaw installati... Read more 

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