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I Spy

Espion et demi
I Spy
Genre:Action / Adventure / Comedy / Thriller
Director:Betty Thomas
Starring:Eddie Murphy,  Joe Cortez,  Jimmy Lennon Jr.,  Sugar Ray Leonard,  Larry Merchant,  Bill Mondy,  Lynda Boyd,  Tate TaylorKeith Dallas,  Viv Leacock,  Phill Lewis,  Gary Cole,  Malcolm McDowell ,  Famke Janssen,  Owen Wilson
Run time:97 min.
(6.5/10 from 3 users)
Storyline:When a high tech fighter plane's stolen, the U.S. government believe that an arms dealer named Gundars has it and plans to sell it. So they send Alexander Scott to retrieve it. Now Scott though well-trained, is a little inexperienced and spends most of his time pining after another (female) agent. Now his superiors tell him that the best way for them to get close to Gundars is; Kelly Robinson, an egotistical and cocky boxer, who has a fight that's scheduled to take place in the city that Gundars has the plane, and Gundars is a fan of his. While the operation seems to go well, Kelly's cockines... Read more 

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