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3 Ninjas movie

Aka:3 Ninja Kids
3 piccole pesti in vacanza
Három kicsi nindzsa
Genre:Action / Comedy / Family / Sport
Director:Jon Turteltaub
Starring:Victor Wong,  Professor Toru Tanaka,  Joel Swetow,  Kate Sargeant,  Margarita Franco,  Alan McRae,  Rand KingsleyChad Power,  Max Elliott Slade,  Michael Treanor
Run time:84 min.
(10/10 from 2 users)
Storyline:Each year, three brothers Samuel, Jeffrey and Michael Douglas visits their Japanese grandfather, Mori Shintaro whom the boys affectionately refer to as Grandpa, for the summer. Mori is a highly skilled in the fields of Martial arts and Ninjutsu, and for years he has trained the boys in his techniques. After an organized crime ring proves to be too much for the FBI, it's time for the 3 brother NINJAS! To use their martial arts skills, they team up to battle the crime ring and outwit some very persistent kidnappers!

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