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Watch Taxi 2

Genre:Action / Comedy / Crime
Director:Gérard Krawczyk
Starring:Samy Naceri,  Tsuyu Shimizu,  Haruhiko Hirata,  Marc FaureFrédérique Tirmont,  Jean-Christophe Bouvet,  Bernard FarcyEmma Wiklund,  Marion Cotillard,  Frédéric Diefenthal
Run time:88 min.
(8.2/10 from 22 users)
Storyline:A sequel to 1997's TAXI, written and produced once again by Luc Besson. TAXI 2 sees Samy Naceri and Frederic Diefanthal reprise their roles as taxi driver Daniel and policeman Emilien who become unwittingly mixed up in the kidnap of the Japanese Secretary of State For Defence by a group of Yakuza. What follows is an succession of thrilling car chases, crashes and stunts as they attempt to rescue the diplomat.

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