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Watch Eagle Eye

Genre:Action / Crime / Mystery / Romance / Thriller
Director:D.J. Caruso
Starring:Shia LaBeouf,  Dariush Kashani,  Deborah Strang,  William Sadler,  Charles Carroll,  Bill Smitrovich,  Lynn Cohen,  Cameron Boyce,  Anthony Azizi,  Billy Bob Thornton,  Ethan EmbryAnthony Mackie ,  Michael Chiklis,  Rosario Dawson,  Michelle Monaghan
Run time:118 min.
(8.2/10 from 23 users)
Storyline:Jerry Shaw (Shia LaBeouf) and Rachel Holloman (Michelle Monaghan) are two strangers thrown together by a mysterious phone call from a woman they have never met. Threatening their lives and family, she pushes Jerry and Rachel into a series of increasingly dangerous situations ??? using the technology of everyday life to track and control their every move. As the situation escalates, these two ordinary people become the country's most wanted fugitives, who must work together to discover what is really happening ??? and more importantly, why.

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