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Watch Back to the Future

Genre:Action / Adventure / Comedy / Sci-Fi
Director:Robert Zemeckis
Starring:Michael J. Fox,  Harry Waters Jr.,  Billy Zane,  Casey Siemaszko,  J.J. Cohen,  James Tolkan,  Frances Lee McCainGeorge DiCenzo,  Wendie Jo Sperber,  Marc McClure,  Claudia Wells,  Thomas F. Wilson,  Crispin Glover,  Lea ThompsonChristopher Lloyd
Run time:116 min.
(8.8/10 from 12 users)
Storyline:Marty McFly helps out his friend Doc Brown, and ends up being taken back in time by Doc's time-machine. Marty, a boy of the 80's, has to come to grips with being in the 50's and get his parents to fall in love to set straight the damage his presence has done to the events of the past.

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