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Aka:Другой мир 2: Эволюция
Anjos da Noite - A Evolução
Inframundo: La evolución
Genre:Action / Fantasy / Horror / Thriller
Director:Len Wiseman
Starring:Kate Beckinsale,  Mike Mukatis,  Richard Cetrone,  Sophia Myles ,  Michael Sheen,  John Mann,  Scott McElroy,  Zita Görög,  Brian Steele,  Shane Brolly,  Steven Mackintosh,  Bill Nighy,  Derek Jacobi,  Tony Curran,  Scott Speedman
Run time:106 min.
(7.6/10 from 9 users)
Storyline:As the adventure continues, the saga of war between vampires and werewolves. Selene, the vampire "death dealer" who's now fighting to stop the release of the original "Lycan" werewolf, William from the prison that's held him for centuries. As we learn from the film's action-packed prologue, William and his brother Marcus began the bloodline of vampires and werewolves, and after witnessing centuries of warfare between them, their immortal father Corvinus now seeks Selene and the human vampire/lycan hybrid Michael to put an end to the war perpetuated by Victor, the vampire warrior whose betraya...Read more 

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