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State Property 2

Genre:Musical / Action / Crime / Drama
Director:Damon Dash
Starring:Beanie Sigel,  Cam'ron,  Christopher Ries,  Hanif 'Neef' Muhammed,  Freeway,  Oschino,  Omillio Sparks,  Michael Bentt,  Damon Dash,  Noreaga
Run time:94 min.
(5.5/10 from 6 users)
Storyline:Three notorious gangsters wage a bloody battle for supremacy in the City of Brotherly Love. Beans, the imprisoned kingpin and hometown drug lord, struggles to keep his renegade ABM Crime Syndicate on the map. He is driven and consumed by a festering hatred for his longtime rival. Dame, the Harlem-born hustler, is also the top dog in town. His Umbrella network is unmatched in cash-flow and manpower. With a long list of enemies seeking territory and revenge, the self-proclaimed "cakeaholic" is forced into a vicious war. Loco, the flashy Miami playboy, is about to be released from prison. His de... Read more 

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