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Rocky Balboa

Genre:Action / Sport
Director:Sylvester Stallone
Starring:Sylvester Stallone,  Angela Boyd,  Ana Gerena,  Pedro LovellHenry G. Sanders,  Mike Tyson,  Lou DiBella,  Talia ShireJames Francis Kelly III,  A.J. Benza,  Tony Burton,  Milo Ventimiglia,  Geraldine Hughes,  Antonio Tarver,  Burt Young
Run time:102 min.
(8.7/10 from 17 users)
Storyline:The greatest underdog story of our time is back for one final round of the Academy Award-winning Rocky franchise. Former heavyweight champion Rocky Balboa steps out of retirement and back into the ring, putting himself against a new rival in a dramatically different era. After a virtual boxing match declares Rocky Balboa the victor over current champion Mason "The Line" Dixon, the legendary fighter's passion and spirit are reignited. But when his desire to fight in small, regional competitions is trumped by promoters calling for a rematch of the cyber-fight, Balboa must weig... Read more 

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