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Miss Congeniality

Genre:Action / Adventure / Comedy / Crime
Director:Donald Petrie
Starring:Sandra Bullock,  Gabriel Folse,  Ken Thomas,  Asia De MarcosWendy Raquel Robinson,  Deirdre Quinn,  Steve MonroeMelissa De Sousa,  Heather Burns,  John DiResta,  William Shatner,  Ernie Hudson,  Candice Bergen,  Benjamin BrattMichael Caine
Run time:109 min.
(7.6/10 from 13 users)
Storyline:When a serial killer indicates that his next target is the Miss United States beauty pageant, the F.B.I. decides that they must get an undercover agent as a participant in the contest. A search uncovers no suitable candidate other than a bumbling female agent. Reluctantly, her captain agrees to let her join the team working the case. The team is led by a womanizing agent who has an apparent reluctant attraction to Bullock's character. She enters as Miss New Jersey, replacing a contestant who was discovered to have acted in a porno film. The pageant managers are immediately aghast about the ag... Read more 

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