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Hollow Man

Genre:Action / Horror / Sci-Fi / Thriller
Director:Paul Verhoeven
Starring:Elisabeth Shue,  Kelli Scott,  Sarah Bowles,  Jeffrey ScaperrottaJimmie F. Skaggs,  Margot Rose,  Pablo Espinosa,  Rhona Mitra,  William Devane,  Mary Randle,  Joey Slotnick,  Greg Grunberg,  Kim Dickens,  Josh Brolin,  Kevin Bacon
Run time:108 min.
(7.2/10 from 16 users)
Storyline:In Paul Verhoeven's appropriately shallow Hollow Man, Kevin Bacon plays a bad-boy egotistical scientist who heads up a double-secret government team experimenting with turning life-forms invisible. How do we know he's a bad boy? Because he (a) wears a leather overcoat, (b) compares himself to God, (c) drives a sports car and (d) spies on his comely next-door neighbour while eating Twinkies. Sadly, this is the most character development anyone gets in this undernourished action/sci-fi thriller, which boasts some phenomenal, seamless and Oscar-worthy computer effects and some amazingly ridiculou... Read more 

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