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Get Smart

Aka:El superagente 86
Dostante agenta Smarta
Get Smart
Genre:Action / Adventure / Comedy
Director:Peter Segal
Starring:Steve Carell,  Dalip Singh,  David S. Lee,  Ken Davitian,  Nate Torrence,  Masi Oka,  Patrick Warburton,  Bill Murray,  James Caan,  David Koechner,  Terry Crews,  Terence Stamp,  Alan Arkin,  Dwayne Johnson,  Anne Hathaway
Run time:160 min.
(8.2/10 from 9 users)
Storyline:American Maxwell Smart works for a Government spy agency in an administrative capacity. When the agency's head office is attacked, the Chief decides to assign Maxwell as a spy and partners him with sexy Agent 99, much to her chagrin. The duo nevertheless set off to combat their attackers by first parachuting off an airplane and landing in Russian territory - followed closely by a over seven foot tall, 400 pound goon, known simply as Dalip. The duo, handicapped by Maxwell's antics, will eventually have their identities compromised, and may be chalked up as casualties while back in America thei...Read more 

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