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Fast and the Furious,

Fast and Furious
The Fast and the Furious
Genre:Action / Crime / Thriller
Director:Rob Cohen
Starring:Paul Walker,  R.J. de Vera,  Noel Gugliemi,  Stanton RutledgeThom Barry,  Vyto Ruginis,  Ja Rule,  Ted Levine,  Matt SchulzeJohnny Strong,  Chad Lindberg,  Rick Yune,  Jordana BrewsterMichelle Rodriguez,  Vin Diesel
Run time:106 min.
(7.6/10 from 9 users)
Storyline:The Fast and the Furious takes you inside the world of street racing. Dominic Toretto is a gang leader who is accused of hijacking trucks and stealing over a million dollars worth of electronic equipment. The FBI sends LAPD officer Brian O'Conner undercover into Los Angeles' street racing circuit to take down Toretto and his team. As O'Conner becomes part of Toretto's life and gets involved with his sister, Mia, he tries to prove that Toretto is innocent.

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