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Death Race

Genre:Action / Sci-Fi / Thriller
Director:Paul W.S. Anderson
Starring:Jason Statham,  Christian Paul,  Danny Blanco,  Benz AntoineRobin Shou,  Robert LaSardo,  Justin Mader,  Frederick Koehler,  Jason Clarke,  Jacob Vargas,  Max Ryan,  Natalie Martinez,  Tyrese Gibson,  Ian McShane,  Joan Allen
Run time:111 min.
(7.5/10 from 15 users)
Storyline:Three-time speedway champion Jensen Ames (Jason Statham) is an expert at survival in the harsh landscape that has become our country. Just as he thinks he has turned his life around, the ex-con is framed for a gruesome murder he didn??™t commit. Forced to don the mask of the mythical driver Frankenstein??”a crowd favorite who seems impossible to kill??”Ames is given an easy choice by Terminal Island??™s warden (Joan Allen): suit up or rot away in a cell. His face hidden by a metallic mask, one convict will be put through an insane three-day challenge. Ames must surv... Read more 

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