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Con Air

Genre:Action / Crime / Thriller
Director:Simon West
Starring:Nicolas Cage,  Monica Potter,  Renoly Santiago,  Steve EastinM.C. Gainey ,  Danny Trejo,  Mykelti Williamson,  Dave Chappelle,  Rachel Ticotin,  Colm Meaney,  Steve Buscemi Nick Chinlund,  Ving Rhames,  John Malkovich,  John Cusack
Run time:115 min.
(7.1/10 from 13 users)
Storyline:Nicolas Cage stars as Cameron Poe, a former war hero sentenced to prison when he kills a man who was harassing his wife. Anxious to get home on his release, Poe winds up on a plane that's being hijacked by several dangerous inmates, intent on landing in a neutral nation. Stuck in the middle, Poe has to figure out how to get home alive. Produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, Con Air is an action/stunt/sfx extravaganza.

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