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Charlie's Angels

Genre:Action / Adventure / Comedy / Crime
Starring:Cameron Diaz,  Alex Trebek,  Tim Dunaway,  Sean WhalenLuke Wilson,  Tom Green,  LL Cool J,  Matt LeBlanc,  Crispin Glover,  Tim Curry,  Kelly Lynch,  Sam Rockwell,  Bill MurrayLucy Liu,  Drew Barrymore
Run time:98 min.
(8.1/10 from 22 users)
Storyline:The captivating crime-fighting trio who are the masters of disguise, espionage and martial arts. When a devious mastermind embroils them in a plot to destroy individual privacy the Angels, aided by their loyal sidekick Bosley, set out to bring down the bad guys. But when a terrible secret is revealed it makes the Angels targets for assassination.

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