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Genre:Action / Adventure / Drama / History / Thriller
Director:Frank Marshall
Starring:Ethan Hawke ,  Danny Nucci,  José Zúñiga,  Michael DeLorenzo,  Jake Carpenter,  Christian J. Meoli,  Jack Noseworthy,  Illeana Douglas,  Sam Behrens,  Kevin Breznahan,  David Kriegel,  John Newton,  Bruce Ramsay,  Josh Hamilton,  Vincent Spano
Run time:118 min.
(7.2/10 from 15 users)
Storyline:ALIVE is a gripping drama based on a true story. In October 1972, a plane chartered by a Uruguayan rugby team crashes in the snow-covered Andes Mountains. Many passengers are killed on contact, but most people survive--with only enough rations for a short time. Given the harsh climate and lack of food, the survivors are forced to take drastic measures to stay alive. When they learn through their transistor radio that the search effort for their plane has been aborted, three young men (played by Ethan Hawke, Vincent Spano, and Josh Hamilton) attempt to cross the Andes in search of civilization.... Read more 

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